Monday, September 5, 2011

August Update

We've had a great month. It started with Tyler spending a week in Santa Cruz California for Adaptive Optics summer school. he had an interesting experience. The campus is very green apparently, as in environmentally friendly. It is in the middle of a redwood forest. Instead of cutting down trees they built around them, so it is a bit different from other campuses. They also had all recyclable utensils and such when they ate. As far as the subject matter, he said it was interesting but a bit over his experience level. Most of the people there were PhDs or PhD students, and a lot of them were in astronomy rather than vision science, so it was hard to apply some of the information.

From California, he flew to SLC where I met him so we could spend a few days visiting my parents. I can't believe it was the first time I had been home in a year! It was nice to be back in the mountains and to enjoy the cool weather. My family was complaining that it was so hot and humid that week, but we were loving it. Tyler helped out by installing two ceiling fans in my parents house as well as fixing two other light fixtures. He is upholding the Wyatt tradition of working on vacation. We had a great time though. We also got a chance to stop in and see Grandma and Grandpa Bankhead. That was really nice too, they seem to be doing well. Grandpa is moving around really well and looks really good. It was fun to see them.

When we got home it was back to the grindstone. I had to work the next morning and Tyler had just a few days off before school started up again. He has just started his second year in optometry school. This year is supposed to be a tough one because he has to learn all the clinical exams as well as memorizing all the drugs from his pharmacology class. It should be interesting.

I am staying busy too. I just certified to be an indoor cycling instructor, they call it Spinning, so I will start teaching Spin classes two times a week. It is a great workout, easier on the body than running is. Plus, I will get paid for the classes I teach which will be nice too.

We also celebrated our third anniversary on the 23rd. It is amazing that it has been three years already!

The temperature dropped about ten degrees this week. We are now in the 90s instead of above 100, it feels really nice. And it hasn't been very humid. Almost like Utah, it gives me hope that maybe fall is around the corner, maybe.

1 comment:

Lisa Puga said...

Thanks for the August update. Miss you.